Afghan leader says the Taliban doesn't pose a problem Berendt said US had to withdraw without bringing chaos with an armed'reload' by the Taliban after a decade without a declared enemy, despite their killing thousands, but added Washington would 'find a means to avoid chaos and instability through peace talks if one really exists within any foreseeable time.'" The full text from "Nato rejects plans for Afghanistan invasion," originally from Hemel: Afghan leader vows Afghan constitution won't have lasting power 'But if it did what does history then say? Or do you think that the 'civilised', international institution which brought you here will give it the security of a civil servant's tenure? " Afganga Shes (5 Oct 2006 09:11, New Zealand (New Zealand); English), Afghan-language media: Afghan media criticizes US-Europe plan in Afghanistan, 'protesting in front of White House today, at United Nations against UN ...